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Smok'in Guns Again - Acti0n Sh0t

Great to see all IPX involved and well done to Fishey101 for getting us all organized for sum western action
Another thanX to Robag for his great server work and for ditching the visiting FAM to play sum Smokin guns with the fella’s……..
0n like donkey kong it was…..

go Team IPX…..

The BoD
and remember knives f0r the win…..


chipper's picture


awesome stuff and a lot of fun, thanks for the games guys!

Sha8doW's picture


a true representation of my awesomeness!


yea, that was fun as, we gotta have that more often, im liking smoking guns now hehehe

immrbob's picture

me too

since i can win and rub it into mango’s face

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